Posts Tagged ‘Scholarship Write-In’

2009 April Scholarship Write-In Opt-In Form

April 8, 2009

Please sign up for the Scholarship Write-In.

Session #1 is on Friday, April 22, 2009, 10 am–11 am and
Session #2 is on Friday, April 24, 2009, 10 am–11 am.

Both sessions will occur in the Learning Resource Center, Computer Lab, Room 123B.

Mr. Turner will be your instructor.

You will learn how you can attempt to get $5,000 for 5 hours worth of work.

Session #1 will be dealing with creating a scholarship profile.

Session #2 will be an actual write-in, where you freewrite and brainstorm the beginning of a 250 word answer to the scholarship question.

If you can’t make these sessions, you can arrange to have a talk with Mr. Turner by emailing him at to learn how you might make $5,000 with 5 hours worth of work.